Good evening readers, today I will be discussing the benefits and hindrances that social networking sites offer to corporations and everyday public users. Many of us are part of at least one of the big three social networking sites – facebook, MySpace, or Twitter. These sites help us keep in touch with relatives and friends all over the world, meet new people, meet new friends, join groups that promote ideas that we feel strongly about, express our views and opinions and even play games. For the socially awkward and illiterate, these sites are like an untapped gold mine that allows people to socialize without leaving the privacy, comfort and security of their home.
These sites also provide great benefits to corporations as well. Many well known corporations have their own face book pages and twitter accounts that allows their customers to follow them and get the inside scoop on their latest products and promotions. Corporations also advertise heavily with social networks sites in an attempt to rake in new young and vibrant customers. Employers have started using facebook to gain information on prospective employees applying for jobs. Although unethical, this behavior allows employers to weed out good candidate from party animals and potheads.
As like everything there are disadvantages to social networking. These sites create big privacy risks to some individuals and allows for obsession and stalker behavior. Individuals put a lot of personal information on these sites which creates these privacy risks. Another disadvantage is distractions in the work place. Although social networking sites allows employees to get to know each other better therefore becoming more efficient, it also creates distractions from obligations.
One way these technologies might evolve in the future would be allowing individuals to upload resumes and talk to employers through facebook and other social networking sites. Whether these technologies are providing convenience to our lives or consuming our souls is a topic for another day. As always feel free to comment or drop me an email.
Sanjay R
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